MT Academy

broken links

Why Broken Links Occur and How to Resolve Them?

What Does Broken Link Mean? A broken link can be defined as a link that does not work when clicked, in the shortest definition. In a longer definition, a broken link is where a link on a website cannot access the target page. Broken links can occur for many reasons, such as...
what is canonical tag?

What are Canonical Tags? How Should They Be Used?

What Are Canonical Tags? Canonical tags are HTML elements webmasters use to inform search engines of the preferred version of a webpage. This is extremely useful when multiple URLs have identical or similar content. These tags help avoid duplicate content issues that can...
E-mail Marketing Guide: What is it and How Does it Work?

E-mail Marketing Guide: What is it and How Does it Work?

What is Email Marketing?  One of the most effective marketing campaigns to use when it comes to advertising your business offers is through email! Email is a great way to reach your target audience and stream content as nearly everyone has an email address that they check...
What is AIDA Model in Marketing?

What is AIDA Model in Marketing?

What is the AIDA Model? The journey that your customer takes as they make their way through your purchasing process is extremely important. This journey has a large impact on whether or not your business will make a sale and can impact how effective your business’s...

Click-Through Rate: How Can You Increase Your CTR?

What is Click-Through Rate (CTR)? Using metrics to measure the effectiveness of the advertisements and digital marketing campaigns that you release is extremely important as this can help you to decipher whether or not an ad is working. There are many different metrics that...

How Do We Use Google My Business Pages for SEO?

What is Google My Business? As the search engine with the most search market share in the world, optimising your content to rank well on Google is vital for success. You may be wondering, how do I add my business to Google and reap the benefits offered by this search engine?...
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