- 1. What Does The Wayback Machine Do?
- 2. How To Use Wayback Machine?
- 3. Why Should We Use Wayback Machine?
- 4. Is Wayback Machine Safe?
- 5. How To Use Wayback Machine As For SEO Tool?
- 6. What Are The Benefits Of Using Wayback Machine in SEO?
- 7. Does The Wayback Machine Help To Discover Old URL Structures?
What Does The Wayback Machine Do?
The Wayback Machine is sort of like a time machine or archive platform for the internet and it allows for users to be able to see and review archived versions of websites and webpages. Some of you may be sitting and asking how this could be useful and why it is done, and the answer is quite simple, just like any other historical event, artefact or piece of information, we need to keep track of the history in order to learn from it and avoid making the same mistakes of the past. When you walk through a museum and see all of the history preserved in one place, it allows for one to learn about what happened in the past and the Wayback Machine is no different as it preserves the past and allows for one to look back on the events and information that was once stored on the internet and on a specific page. The Wayback Machine website downloader tool allows for users to interact with and examine a certain webpage or website over a period of time and compare the information and even the design of the page to how it once looked. This platform was released to the public in 2001 and can go back to some of the first-ever web pages!
How To Use Wayback Machine?
Anyone who is using Wayback Machine can type in a URL and then select a date range that they are hoping to look back at and then search through the versions of this URL over this time period. The information is provided in a three-dimensional index, with web documents being displayed over multiple versions of the website. Using the Wayback Machine is free and available for anyone who is hoping to delve into previous versions of different websites and find information that may have been stored on the page.
The Wayback Machine can be used on different programs and apps, from Youtube to Twitter! The Wayback Machine Youtube search function can find videos that may have been deleted off of the platform, just as long as you have the URL to place into the archive searcher. The Wayback Machine pictures archive can also find images that may have been deleted and may even allow you to redownload them. There is also a Wayback Machine extension for chrome that ensures finding these different archived pages and websites is quick and easy.
Along with providing an easy way to find more information about different websites, there is also now a Wayback Machine app that offers even easier access to the archives of websites and webpages. The Wayback Machine downloader app is easy to use and can be used across multiple devices and this app can be downloaded either on either the Playstore or on the Apple app store. As you can see from the above information, there are many different ways one can use the Wayback Machine and many different platforms and apps that can be searched!

Why Should We Use Wayback Machine?
The Wayback Machine is a great way for information and data to be stored and found easily, no matter if a webpage has been changed. Just as a museum is there to store information and artefacts from the past, Wayback Machine stores archives and data from the history of the internet, so that we can look back at the information and the way that a webpage was designed. Without having this system of storing information in place, anything that is changed or deleted off of the internet will be lost forever, and losing this information ensures that we will not be able to learn from the mistakes and the successes that come from this history. Unlike the past, our society stores most of the information, artefacts and data online and the Wayback Machine can be looked at as a sort of modern-day museum, giving internet users the chance to delve into the past and explore how a specific webpage or brand has grown and developed over the years.
Along with being able to store data and information over a period of time and be used as a sort museum for the internet, the Wayback Machine is also considered to be a great marketing tool. Being able to go back and look at a clients website over the years to see how it has changed and developed is a great way to come up with a marketing strategy. Being able to go to a client with a well thought out plan that has not only thought of the future but also delved into the past, is one way to ensure your client knows you know what you are doing. If you are looking for a Marketing tool to help with learning about the history of business online presence, there is no better resource than the Wayback Machine and the old websites it can view.
Is Wayback Machine Safe?
Yes, the Wayback Machine is safe to use and was created in 1996. This archive system is a member of the American Library association so it is a legitimate and safe website to use. The archive program does not store any personal information unless it appears in a document or on a webpage. it is important to understand that this is not a tracking program and the information that is stored in the archive and on Wayback Machine is based on storing information rather than details of people, and things like emails and chats are not stored anywhere on this system. The Wayback Machine archives is a safe system that is used to store and find information about previous versions of web pages. If you are a website owner and you do not want your webpage to be stored within this collection of archives, all you have to do is send an email to the archive.org platform requesting that your website be removed. The Wayback Machine unblocked can also unblock these websites once they have been added at the request of the owner of the web page.
Along with respecting the rights of website owners who do not want their websites to be in the archive system, the Wayback Machine has policies in place that protects the intellectual properties of the information within the archive. This copyright policy ensures that the rights of website owners and their data are protected at all times, and in certain circumstances, information will be removed or investigated if it is believed to infringe on the rights of any website owner. With these safety mechanisms in place, you can be sure that the Wayback Machine is a safe and effective archiving platform to explore.
How To Use Wayback Machine As For SEO Tool?
To Review Site Changes
One of the easiest ways to review how a website has changed over the years is to look through the archives of the previous versions of the webpage. This information presents itself in the form of snapshots that are taken of a webpage over its history. These snapshots can then be compared and data over the time period analysed to see when site visits or even sales increased and what was going on on the webpage over this time. Reviewing these site changes can give websites owners a whole lot of information about how far a page has come and the history of when big developments or changes happened. In todays day and age, and with almost every business or brand having a website, it is also a good way to keep track of your company.
To Examine The Robot.txt Files
Another handy feature of the Wayback Machine is that it is has a tool that can be used to examine the Robot.txt files. This is an incredibly useful feature as it can help to map out exactly when and which changes are made to a page over time, and if you are having crawlability issues or any other technical malfunction with your page, you can go back and see exactly when these issues started and determine the cause from there.
Discover What Has Changed On The Content
One of the main things that can be analysed in great detail when looking over previous versions of a webpage is the content. This part of the Wayback Machine tool is also handy when it comes to recovering data from web pages and websites that have accidentally been deleted. This information would have otherwise been lost forever, but the archive can be used as a backup to find and replace the information on a webpage that has been deleted or corrupted.

What Are The Benefits Of Using Wayback Machine in SEO?
You Can Explore a Website’s History
Through the use of Wayback Machine you are able to create a detailed and extensive website history that can outline what a brand or business has done, what worked and what did not and outline the history from conception until today. This unique method of understanding and documenting every detail of the history of a website means that you are able to outline how certain tactics and design methods worked or did not when they grew the most and make sure not to repeat the same mistakes of the past. Along with providing information on what a page looked like, these archives are not just static images, but parts of the page can be explored and examined in detail! This ensures you have a broad scope and history of a website.
You Can Get To Know Your Clients Better
One of the best ways to become more inclined to a client’s ideologies, progress and way they work is to go and explore how they have developed over the years. When looking into a potential new client, using the Wayback Machine is one of the best and easiest ways to get a full and detailed history of how they have operated in the past and compare this to their work structures now. This invest8gation can not only let you know what the company has previously sold and how they have functioned, but it can also give you an idea of what worked and what did not, ensuring you go into business knowing every detail of who they are and what they stand for. Using a platform like Wayback Machine is a good way to instil confidence that you know ecstasy what you are doing!
Does The Wayback Machine Help To Discover Old URL Structures?
Yes, one of the benefits of using The Wayback Machine is that are able to find the old URL structure as if it has been changed or updated. In order to do this, you do have to have some idea of when the URL was changed so that you can go back to this time period. If you have a general idea of when this time was, you will be able to obtain what the URL was and exactly when it was changed. This can be extremely helpful as you could pull old data from this forgotten page, information that would have potentially been lost.