What is the Structure of an Internet Page?
Websites can be structured and set up in a number of different ways, though many ultimately look like a pyramid of sorts. You have a home page, different category pages and subcategories that you can follow. No matter what type of structure your web page has, there are going to be a few features on it that can help your website to function better, these are referred to as file types and file extensions.
What is the CSS File Format?
CSS file format refers to Cascading Style Sheets and it is a file format that solved a big problem for web developers who were using HTML. The CSS file format is structured to help website developers when it comes to the styles of various pages on a website, easily controlling the layout of multiple web pages at the same time. This means that web developers do not have to input certain code to ensure that the stylistic elements on a page are the same. For example, if you want headings, subheadings and content to be the same colour and format across your entire website, the CSS file format will help apply this easily.
What are the Three Types of CSS File Format?
There are three styling methods that are used in CSS and each is used for different elements on a page. The following are these three types and a brief description of the importance of each of them.
- Local styles: Just because you have an automatic default setting does not mean that you necessarily want everything to be exactly the same on each page. This type of CSS allows for specific tags to determine when content should differ from the automatic setting. The tag that is used is called a ‘P’ tag and changes the content from the first tag that is used until it appears again, after the second tag the content will return to the automatic format. This allows for certain elements to differentiate from the automatic and predefined style!
- Page-level styles: This type of CSS allows for the ‘P’ tag to be maintained over different pages and parts of a website. Having uniform pages, headings and paragraphs that compliment each other well are very beneficial, so page-level styles are often used when it comes to CSS.
- External Styles: When developing a website with many different pages external styles can be very beneficial. This is because, with just one CSS file implemented on multiple pages, it is much easier to keep everything looking the same.
What is the CSS Syntax?
A CSS Syntax is a rule that is made up of a selector, property, and its value. The selector is responsible for pointing to the element on the page where the CSS style should be applied. Once this has been determined the CSS property is separated by semicolons. It is a combination of selector names followed by the property that determines the value for each selector.
What are the Advantages of CSS File Format in SEO?
- They make it easier for search engine crawlers to read: When code is written to be extremely complicated, it may impact the effectiveness of a search engine crawler as they make their way through your website. In order to rank better, you should try to make your website as easy to read as possible; CSS is extremely effective in helping do this!
- No errors in the format: When you take on the role of structuring and styling a website manually, you have to be prepared for a few mistakes to make it through the cracks. While these mistakes may not be noticeable on your end, they can often be easy for visitors to notice!
- Your website is downloaded faster: One of the biggest advantages of using CSS on your website is that it can decrease the overall page load time. CSS format is easier to download as not as much information needs to be loaded. This decreases the time it takes for a browser to load a website! A page speed analysis can help to determine the speed of your page and whether or not your code is interfering with the amount of time it is taking for a page to load, if this time is longer than normal, the CSS file format can help this! Using specific tools, you can help in determining if you have any issues when it comes to On-page SEO that relates to the speed of your web page.
How to Add CSS File Format in HTML?
There are three ways that a CSS file can be added to the HTML code on a web page. The first way is by using the CSS file formats within the HTML elements themselves, this is referred to as adding them inline. The next way that a CSS file can be added to HTML code is by using a CSS style element within the heading of a page, this is referred to as adding them internally. The last way that CSS file formats can be added is externally and this is when you add an external CSS file and then link it to your website.
What is the JS File Format?
Websites have come a long way in the last few years and in order to keep up with the times, it is important that website developers create pages that are easy to read and interactive. JS file format (or JavaScript) is a type of file format that allows website developers to add unique and interactive features to a webpage, some of these features include pop-ups, slider controls and tons of other useful additions!
How does Javascript Impact SEO?
JavaScript does not directly impact SEO though it should be noted that this type of file format does impact the user experience. As Google and other search engines become more inclined to reward sites that are user-friendly, it is important that you have added features that make it easy for users to make their way through your website. JS file format is just one example of how to do this!
How does Googlebot process JavaScript?
Google Bots render the HTML on the web page and analyse for JS files, they then use this rendered HTML when they index the page, ensuring that they include it when they crawl it! So long as the search engine crawlers are able to see the JS files, they will be able to effectively render and include them when they crawl and rank your webpage.
What are the Common CSS and JS Files Errors?
One of the most common errors that have to do with CSS and JS files is that Google is unable to see them. If Google cannot see these files they scan your page and rank it without having this knowledge. Since JS and CSS files are important when it comes to SEO, since they improve the user experience, it is important that they be ranked!
What does the “Googlebot Can’t Access CSS/JS Files Warning” Mean?
When you see a warning that states “Googlebot Can’t Access CSS/JS Files error”, it means that search engine crawlers are unable to visit the CSS and JS files on your web page. As stated above, JS and CSS files play an important role when it comes to helping your page be more optimised and therefore ranked better on search engine results pages. You may have technical issues that may require a technical SEO audit to pick up on, and it is always useful to complete one of these checks!
Why Does Google Need Access to CSS and JS Files?
These two types of files improve the experience that users have on a web page and it is therefore vital that Google be able to pick up on and read them when they are crawling your website.If the Googlebot cannot see them and read them, it will be as if they are not there and you will be ranked according to the information that the search engine crawlers are able to find. CSS/JS files in SEO are important and not having them crawled by search engines can lead to a lowering in your rankings which can impact the overall effectiveness of your entire website.
How to Fix “Googlebot Cannot Access CSS And JS Files Warning”?
When you develop a website using WordPress, you automatically give search engines access to your JS and CSS files. In saying this, you may have unknowingly deactivated them, usually, this is done when you add security features of plugins on a page. When looking at how to fix CSS/JS file warnings, you can use Google Analytics and Google Search Console and click on the “Fetch” and “Render” button to ensure that the files are active and can be seen by Google crawlers who are making their way through your website!